A lot has happened since my last post…
After years of putting other people and their thoughts and beliefs before my own, I finally listened to my heart. In 2020, I took a leap of faith and moved with my husband and kids (and two fur balls - our cats) across the country from Ontario to the coast in BC.
I’ll be completely honest, it wasn’t always easy. In fact, it was downright stressful and painful at times. Yet I’m so happy we made the move. Every day, I’m incredibly grateful to be here surrounded by the ocean and mountains. It feels like I’ve lived here my whole life. Since the moment I got here, it has felt like home.
A couple of years later, in April 2022, I learned that I had candida overgrowth in my gut that was leaving me feeling super fatigued and causing me to have some serious brain fog. I’ve taken the past couple of years off from my coaching business to figure things out…it’s been a journey of ups and downs. I’ve also learned a lot about myself and life along the way.
I’ve learned to start loving my body in new ways, and I became a yoga teacher.
Like I said, a lot had happened…I’ve been pretty quiet. I stepped away from social media and slowed down to heal and rejuvenate. To really focus on what matters most.
I didn’t go completely awol…I have been staying in touch with my beautiful, loving community, sending them monthly motivation and updates via email. I’ve also consistently showed up for my Loving Me, Myself & Life Podcast listeners.
So, if you are interested in finding out more about the fun adventures I’ve been on, the things I’ve learned, the things that were hard, what made me laugh, what made me cry and how I got through it all, jump on over to my podcast Loving Me, Myself & Life and have a listen. Where I usually overshare about life, love, and embracing who you are.
Here are a few things I’ve learned over the past few years.
Listen to your body
Love your body as is
Sugar is in everything
Mindset is everything
Our guts really runs the show. An unbalanced gut can make your life miserable
Accepting where you are right now, helps you get unstuck and move forward
Hating your body thin and health doesn’t get you anywhere, other than more mad and upset at your life
The most important thing in life is this moment.
You can’t control everything but you get decide how you’re going to show up
Also, if you’re not already a part of my amazing community, you can join me here. There are so cool things about to happen, so it’s a great way to stay in the loop.