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Embrace Who You Are

[VIP Group Coaching Program]
YOU are already amazingly's time to embrace it!!
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change"
~ Carl Rogers

Program Details

Incredible, loving support

Live weekly calls (that are recorded in case you can't make it live)

Weekly Facebook Lives


[This allows me to customize the coaching to what YOU need the most]

Private Facebook group

Email support between calls

***1:1 Welcome Call (with Jody)

[***For the first 10 people]

This is for you if...

You need a place to be yourself and feel more confident in your life and with who you are

You want to really fall in love with your life and have a deeper loving relationship with yourself


You want incredible, loving support on your journey - to be heard and have someone really listen to you

You want clarity on what you really want and who you really are

You want to take action towards your dreams and create magic in your life, but aren't sure where to start

You want to stop hiding from the world and want to own your story and your super powers


The next VIP Group Coaching Program

[will be announced in 2020]

Doors Are Now Closed For Fall 2019

A message from Jody

Embrace Who You Are - Jody Myciak
00:00 / 00:00

Be the first inline for the 2020 Group!

[Get early access]

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